hi, i’m holly!

I’ve always loved baking and cooking since I was little and have recently become engrossed in the cooking world – following different food blogs and trying new recipes daily. More recently, in January 2020, I made the full shift to a plant-based diet which gave me a whole new passion and view of what we create to eat. During this time I found that I was constantly tweaking and combining recipes depending on what I had on hand, how much time I had, who I was cooking for etc. Due to the fact that I couldn’t keep all of the tabs open in my web browser straight, I started logging the changes and updates — effectively creating my own recipe box in the notes section of my phone!

As I continued to explore, I experimented with different variations to see how I could edit recipes for personal tastes and preferences – low fat (can you really tell the difference if you sautée onions for a soup in water vs. oil?) vs. low carb (using the oil but replacing the rice with cauliflower) and could you really bake the best cake without eggs and butter?! I kept track of the modifications so that if I ever gave it to my friends, they would have the flexibility to create an equally delicious meal, even if they were eating a certain way or were missing some ingredients.

Furthermore, being an American living in England, I found myself struggling to adapt my favourite American recipes from cups and ounces to grams and millilitres and vice versa. Therefore, I tried my utmost to bring all these elements to this blog – flexibility, universal measurements, and nutrition facts so that it would be easy for anyone to come on and find exactly what they were looking for.

So after many months and dozens of recipes later, I decided to create my own platform that at the very least would be a catalogue for myself of my most recent recipes and cooking adventures.

I know that we are just getting started, but I certainly hope that you enjoy the recipe which I have curated!