rose gold measuring cups on countertop

If you have ever cooked abroad and had to try to convert the recipe from imperial to metric or vice versa, you know the struggle! Nobody wants to stop in the middle of cooking to look up measurements.

Some recipe websites show the conversions (which is great) but not all of them Not to mention despite these units being “universally” recognised, one site might say one thing, whilst a mother says another adding to the confusion. Despite constantly searching, I have not found a one-stop-shop for all of my conversions needs. Oh, and to make things more complicated there is a U.S. (imperial) cup as well as a metric cup!

After months of struggling, I finally decided it was easier to make my own conversion guide/calculators on excel and since then I haven’t looked back. I knew I couldn’t be the only one who struggled with this so I am so excited to introduce my handy-dandy pdf conversion downloads! They go through all different types of foods – vegetables, flours, sugars, oils, grains & pulses, and even nuts to make sure that regardless what you are measuring, I’ve got you covered!

You can download them below or pin them on Pinterest as well. If you are someone who likes to have it on hand, you can also print whichever guides are more pertinent to you and tape it on the inside of your cupboards or whatever is most useful to you.

get free downloadable unit conversion pdf:

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